Confectionary Coating


A dark chocolate confectionary coating is leaving behind a greasy/oily residue on the metal panels of equipment during sanitation. The request is to determine a cleaner that is best suited to remove the oily residue, increase rinsability, and enhance the effectiveness of their sanitizer.


The lab coated a number of metal panels with melted confectionary coating and allowed the coating to solidify. With panels at room temperature the lab rinsed these panels with warm water. While the vast majority of the residue was easily removed, there remained behind a thin oily layer. This is noted by the beading of water on the rinsed surface in exhibit 3. This layer is most likely a combination of the various oils contained in the confectionary coating. These oils include coconut oil, hydrogenated palm kernel oil and hydrogenated palm oil.

The lab tested a number of cleaners using a variety of cleaning processes which included foaming and rinsing, foaming and rinsing twice as well as foaming, scrubbing and rinsing. The product that worked most efficiently in the removal of this oily layer was LP-910. Utilizing a room temperature solution at 5% to 7% by volume, LP-910 was foamed on the surface of these panels and allowed to rest for one minute prior to rinsing with warm water. The results were panels with water sheeting off instead of beading up which indicated oil removal.


After full analysis of the soil and its components, LP-910 was found superior to other cleaners in removing the oily residue left behind after rinsing the chocolate coating. The surfactants used in LP-910's chemistry seemed to lift the residue more effectively, which enhanced its rinsability compared to other products sampled in this test.

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